
Showing posts from September, 2020

Nora Universe

  Nora Universe Deceased Had Nora survived after her birth, she would have been the spitting image of Pink since she’s 95% gem and only 5% human. She would have come out Sapphire sized and without a gem. Being more or less a clone of Pink her personality would have been very similar, but since Greg is her father and would have raised her, she would have been just like Steven.

Ruby & Sapphire

  Ruby and Sapphire Both were attending a party on Homewold in Pink’s honor when Garnet came to be. Sapphire was accidentally pushed into Blue Diamonds path and was almost crushed. Ruby rushed from her place in line to save the precious Sapphire and the two fused. They live on Earth now as the perma fusion Garnet and are rarely seen apart.


  Peridot Prime Kindergartener, Peridot was sent to Earth by Yellow to assess Pink’s new kindergartens. She was shocked and amazed by all the new changes and technology Pink’s peridot’s had come up with and her head was bursting with ideas on how everything could be improved. But her job was only to assess, and her request for more time was denied, so Pink told Yellow she shattered the gem that had been sent to her because she was incompetent. Yellow didn’t seem to care and Pink kept Peri on Earth to let her do whatever her little heart desired. Now Peridot is in charge of all Era 2 Kindergartens on earth. She has been working extra hard recently and Pink thinks it’s because she wants to impress a certain gem who may have caught her eye.


  Bismuth Bismuth is in charge of all the other Bismuth’s since she was Pink’s first builder type gem to be made on Homeworld. Pink tends to favor her and assigned her originally to the Palace, but she started wandering all over earth with other Bismuth’s, building monoliths in honor of Pink and just overall works of art. She hangs out with Garnet a lot and a certain spunky green gem who affectionately calls her a Clod. LOVES Bodybuilders.

The Ruby Squad

  The Ruby Squad Pink’s very first batch of rubies came out… Very Pink. White was not pleased with this result and and ordered Pink to be rid of them and try again. Pink was greatly upset over this deemed failure and decided to go against White’s wishes and kept them instead. She had them bubbled with the promise that one day, they would be free.   That day happened when she was given the Earth. The Rubies were released and were the first gems to go out and explore the planets surface. The fourth member of this bath is Garnets ruby component.  All Rubies from Earth’s Kindergartens in Era 2 were modeled after these special gals and share their unique pink hues.

Greg Universe

Greg Universe Father of Steven Universe, husband and consort to Pink Diamond the Queen. Greg married into the Diamond Authority, or what the humans call, the Royal House. He lives on an island built for housing Pink away from human eyes.  MIGHT be immortal.

Steven Universe

  Steven Universe 11 Years Old Son of Pink Diamond and Greg Universe Lovingly known among the human populace as “The Crown Prince” Before he was conceived, Pink created another pink diamond for Steven so that she could share some of her essence with her son, thus giving him his gem powers. At this point in time, he can only bring plants to sentience and heal minor cuts and bruises. Steven is the light of his parents life and Pink is FIERCELY protective of him, so much to the point that she hasn’t told the other Diamonds of his existence.


  Pearl Personal adviser of Pink Diamond, Pearl was a gift from the other reigning matriarchs who gave her to Pink upon sending  the youngest Diamond off to Earth to colonize it. It was with Pearl’s help that Pink was able to draft up the plans to take to White that would ultimately save her planet from destruction Pearl has been Pink’s closest confidant and friend and the two share a very strong bond. When Steven was born, Pearl immediately fell head over heels in love with him and went out of her way to learn everything she could about human babies and how to care for and raise one. She argues a lot with Pink Pearl, who is in charge of taking care of Steven when Pink cannot.

Pink Pearl

  Pink Pearl Pink handmade this pearl for Steven once she found out she was pregnant with him. Pink Pearl has been Steven’s playmate and caretaker since birth and is never seen without him. She and Rosie are very fond of each other and Pink likes to tease her every now and then about a possible “Budding” romance between the two gems. 


  First of the Crystal Gems, and Pink’s favorite couple (Other than her and Greg hehe During a ball on Homeworld in Pink’s honor, Garnet was formed when Sapphire was accidentally pushed into the path of the oncoming Blue Diamond. Blue wanted to shatter her on the spot, but Pink begged for the two gems lives, saying she could put them to work on her colony, as punishment. They were bubbled and released back on Earth where Pink cheerfully welcomed them to her employee. It wasn’t until after they were caught fused again by Pearl that they gathered the courage to ask Pink if they could stay as Garnet forever. Their Diamond gave them one condition: “Never question your existence, your love. You ARE the Answer.”


  The Second Crystal Gem, Amethyst! Amethyst emerged late from Pink’s very first Kindergarten on Earth; a remnant of a bygone era who found herself in Pink’s home after the Diamond found her alone in her hole. Pink feels responsible for Amethyst and treats her like a daughter even allowing her to wear something similar to what the Royal’s wear, much to the dislike of other Era 2 gems who see Amethyst as unworthy, they’ll never say it in Pink’s presence though… Seeing as she’s favored by Pink and kept close, Amethyst grew up alongside Steven, seeing him as a brother, and Greg as a father. She and Steven LOVE to cause trouble for Pearl

Rosie P.

  Rosie P. A Rose Gold Padparaja Sapphire, Rosie was mixed up with the batch of Rose Quartz’s during incubating, so when she emerged, she had the hulking height of her quartz sisters, and the future vision all Sapphires are blessed with. In her old AU Rosie ended up being cast out into space and ended up on earth. Fast forward to present day Beach City, and she’s a global phenomenon. Rosie likes fashion, so to blend in with humans, she took her love of changing her form and captivated the humans around her.


  Jasper She was Pink’s personal guard on Homeworld and came with her at Yellow’s command. But once Steven was older, Pink found the quartz rushing around after the boy acting as HIS guard instead of hers, especially when Steven went out into the public’s eye. Pink found it charming and eventually assigned her favorite Jasper to her son, against the wishes of a certain gem…

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli One of many that was sent to Earth to help Pink with colonization of Earth, though when era 2 started, this one ended up getting left behind on accident. During the first hundred years of Era two, Lapis was responsible for quite a few natural disasters; unaware that her job of terraforming was done and over with she continued carving up large sections causing tsunamis and earthquakes alike. It wasn’t until her actions caused the destruction of a human settlement that Pink took notice of her and went to personally retrieve her. Lapis now works with Bishmuth and a group of other gems helping Pink construct and upkeep the labs that are needed to keep her promise.